My LifeCard Plan - MLCP
Makes It Easy to Develop a Personalized Estate Plan

My LifeCard Plan (MLCP) is a processing platform well suited for today’s environment that allows you to easily obtain estate planning document sets. Today, a complete Estate Plan is made up of several components. Your Plan will consist of a number of time-proven documents.
The foundation used to support the MLCP platform comes from designing and generating proven estate planning applications (since 1985) through our original back-office-services processing company, Integrated Trust Systems. ALL processing is done on line. You will have access to a 'cloud' account to expedite processing and administration of your Estate Plan. Here you will be able to:
♦ Retrieve your documents
♦ Review your documents
♦ E-sign all your documents
♦ Electronically schedule and assign assets to your Trust
♦ E-sign your electronic schedule
♦ Make updates to suit your family's changing needs
♦ Safely store personal and financial records for easy retrieval
This three minute video illustrates the complete online experience. From data entry to 'cloud' registration to document retrieval, electronic signing, Trust "funding" and more . . . My LifeCard Plan puts everything you need to safely and easily develop a personal estate plan at your fingertips.